
Personality can have an effect an organization personality

Assignment : Emotions & Moods

Review the following on emotional intelligence, which addresses skills found in personal competence and social awareness. It should be evident that possessing these abilities can make one more aware of his or her own emotions and moods and the emotions and moods of those around him or her.

• Emotional Competence Framework

Personality & Values

Personality can have an effect an organization. Personality does not explain all behavior, but it is a starting point for understanding behavior.

The five basic personalities generally recognized are:

a. Extraversion: Comfort level with relationships.

• Extroverts tend to be gregarious, assertive, and sociable.

• Introverts tend to be reserved, timid, and quiet.

b. Agreeableness: Individual's propensity to defer to others.

• High agreeableness people-cooperative, warm, and trusting.

• Low agreeableness people-cold, disagreeable, and antagonistic.

c. Conscientiousness: A measure of reliability.

• A highly conscientious person is responsible, organized, dependable, and persistent.

• Those who score low on this dimension are easily distracted, disorganized, and unreliable.

d. Emotional stability: A person's ability to withstand stress.

• People with positive emotional stability tend to be calm, self-confident, and secure.

• Those with high negative scores tend to be nervous, anxious, depressed, and insecure.

e. Openness to experience: The range of interests and fascination with novelty.

• Extremely open people are creative, curious, and artistically sensitive.

• Those at the other end of the openness category are conventional and find comfort in the familiar.

Values represent basic convictions. A person's set of values when ranked in intensity is the person's value system.

Individuals enter an organization with one's own ideas about right and wrong. Values influence attitudes and behaviors.

Organizations set their values, which are usually presented in the organization's mission and vision statements.

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Operation Management: Personality can have an effect an organization personality
Reference No:- TGS02944292

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