
Personal sales career plan


Personal Sales Career Plan

Reflect on the content and discussions in class this semester and answer the questions below in complete sentences

1. Products and Services

Reasons why I would enjoy selling a service

Reasons why I would not enjoy selling a service

2. Inside and Outside Sales

Reasons why I would excel in inside sales

Reasons why I would enjoy being in inside sales

Reasons why I would not enjoy being in inside sales

3. Channels

a. Which part of the channel below do you think you would excel in the most? Why? Least? Why?

b. Manufacturerselling to Distributor

c. Manufacturer selling to Business End User

d. Distributor selling to Business End User

4. Career Pathing and Exploration

Of the sales roles below, what type of sales role do you anticipate being in at the onset of your career? Why?

Pure Sales

Hybrid - Sales with Subject Matter Expert (specify the area of expertise - engineering, finance, medical, etc)

Non-Sales (just the sales elements found in all lines of work)

5. Given the career lattice, what lateral and/or upward moves do you anticipate from your initial role? What appears to be your career goal?

6. Based on the sales approach above that you are gravitating towards (product/service, inside/outside, channel, lattice, etc), name at least 5 companies that you think you could be a good fit for and explain why.





Identify at least 5 action items (task and timing) you will take to explore the sales approach and companies you feel are best so you can better ascertain fit. Consider the resources and involvement you can leverage through UT/COBI/ESSPS. (10 points)





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Business Management: Personal sales career plan
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