Personal Narrative on Identity:
Personal Narrative on Identity Length:
Description: For this assignment, you should build on your response over identity. Remember that your topic is identity, but that you are not writing a general definition of identity. You need to define a specific identity (your own or a group identity). Consider the essays that we have read as well as our class discussions and think about how they are discussing specific identities.
The essay should offer a clear, concise position on your topic. Certainly the essay will reflect your opinion, but try to state it as strongly as possible. Avoid using the phrases, “I believe” or “I feel.” The essay should focus on one main idea (thesis) that controls the entire paper. The goal of this assignment is to work on skills of supporting and sustaining an idea throughout a 3 page paper.
The strongest essays usually have some amount of rhetorical devices, such as anecdotes or analogies, to represent or enhance the thesis—your central claim or what you are trying to demonstrate about yourself or something larger with your essay. It is also effective to use the form or format of the essay to reflect your thesis (by method or organization). See the OWL for help with developing your writing for reflection and on writing in general. Contact me if you are still struggling for a topic.
Don’t forget that you also need to submit a rough draft of this assignment (to the assignment button provided). Also, you must write a reflective essay over the choices that you made as you revised your essay for the final draft. See the “Instructions for Writing the Reflective Essay” Handout. You must submit the reflective essay along with the final draft that you want me to grade to the assignment for Essay #1 provided. It will allow you to upload 2 documents. You must submit all of your course documents in .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .odt format. I cannot open other formats, and I won’t be able to give you a grade if I cannot read your essay.
Format (MLA Style):
• Papers must be typed • Use Times New Roman, font size 12pt. • Double-space everything • One inch margins all the way around (cheating on margins will be noticed and the paper grade will be affected) • Heading: Put your name, my name, course and section number, and the date on the first page only in the left hand corner of the paper. • Header: Your last name and the page number should appear on every page (including the first page) in the upper right hand corner of the paper. • See the OWL, as well as the explanation in the Course Resources. • Incorrect formatting will adversely affect your grade.