
Personal leadership strengths


For this assignment, you will be using what you discovered about your personality temperament along with the desirable characteristics and skills of an effective project leader to analyze your strengths and opportunities for development.

List all of the attributes that are part of your personality type on the left-hand side of a table such as the one shown below, and then list across the top some of the top skills and attributes you should possess as an effective project manager. You will place an "x" in each of the cells that you believe your attribute would contribute to that characteristic or skill. These are your strengths that you would expand upon in a discussion format below the table. Your opportunities for development are the empty cells where you should develop your action plan to develop these areas.

An example of a table you might develop is as follows:

Assignment Deliverables

  • Update your Key Assignment document title page with a new date
  • Update previously completed sections based on the instructor's feedback
  • Complete the New Content below, and copy it under the section in the Key Assignment document called: "Personal Leadership Strengths & Opportunities for Development"

New Content

Personal Leadership Strengths & Opportunities for Development

  • Create a table or use another method to determine your strengths and opportunities for development to be an effective project manager
  • Discuss your strengths below the table and explain why these are such important strengths to being an effective project manager
  • Develop an action plan that includes development activities to address the opportunities for development
  • Be sure to update your table of contents before submission

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Business Management: Personal leadership strengths
Reference No:- TGS01803612

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