
personal interviewpersonal or face to face

Personal Interview:

Personal or face to face interviewing is a core function of marketing research much of the quality of the entire research process rests on its effectiveness. Despite the growth in popularity of telephone and mail surveys personal interviewing retains its ling held dominance across a wide spectrum of surveys market social political.

A personal interview is face to face communication with the respondent. The interviewer gets touch with the respondent asks the questions and records the answer obtained. It is the interviewers responsibility to record the answer either during the interview or after the interview. The interview may be conducted at any place but it is appropriate to meet the respondent at his place or work or at his resident. The main purpose of this consideration is that the answer must be recorded clearly and correctly. The personal interview may be either structured or unstructured. In a structured interview the formal questionnaires has been formulated and the questions asked in pre arranged order.

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HR Management: personal interviewpersonal or face to face
Reference No:- TGS0203671

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