Discuss the below:
Review THE 1895 ATLANTA COMPROMISE SPEECH by Booker T. Washington
During the semester (at least before the end of November) we are required to do the annual exercise to evaluate our students abilities to respond to SACS and Texas state requirements in specific areas of educational achievement levels. This year we are focusing on two areas; Social and Personal Responsibility. To accomplish this each of the history faculty are asked to post a exercise on blackboard two readings.
The readings chosen are Booker T. Washington's speech of 1893 which became known as the Atlanta Compromise and W.E.B. Dubois's Niagra Movement Speech of 1906.
In order to address the rubrics that will be used to evaluate the student responses you are asked to include in the assignment the following points which the students will be asked to address in their written responses on blackboard:
1. Identify the ethical choices offered by the two speakers
2. Discuss both sides of the ethical choices offered by the speakers
3. Offer a personal evaluation of the ethical choices to be made
4. Identify the pros and cons of both sides of the ethical choices to be made
5. Indicate how the student's own cultural background relates to the ethical choices proposed by the speakers
6. Identify how the speakers point of view might be affected by the speakers cultural backgrounds (Include google links to the two speakers for this point)
7. Discuss how reading these two speeches allows them to relate to other cultures and helps them to understand and react to other cultures
8. Indicate how reading these two speeches promotes their ideas of civic involvement in relation to the issues raised by these two speeches