
Personal development plan upon learning pdp module the

The Task:

You must write a reflection of your personal development plan upon learning PDP module, the skills you developed or will further develop and the impact of these on your future and career goals.

You must read these instructions carefully before attempting this assignment. All of the nstructions below are reflected in the marking criteria.

1. Your assignment should contain FIVE sections:

a. Introduction

Discuss your aim of creating a personal development plan which you can document a process of self-analysis, personal reflection and honest appraisal of your strengths and weaknesses. This should enable you to evaluate your potentials and skills that you have acquired before learning PDP module. Your introduction should consider your personal analysis, setting goals, and personal objectives (what do you need to do?) in enhancing your better future in life.

b. PDP as a tool for Self Review

Discuss in detail the experience you had in class in the development of your personal, academic and career-related skills. Your self review should focus on the following important points:

  1. Personal: How do you learn? Why have you decided to continue to study?

  2. Academic: How does your course/programme help your employability? Cite the focus area wherein the development opportunities are achievable.

   3. Career. What are your career skills? How to develop such skills? What actions will you make?

   4. Indicators of your success: How do you consider personal success? List down your order of priority in order to achieve success. Cite prominent or significant people who shared their successes in life. Why you have chosen them as part of your personal success in life?

c. Personal insights

This part should focus on your personal assessment. Give a thorough analysis of your development in the class. The following should be part of your discussion:

1. The academic skills that you think need further development

2. The career-related skills that you think need further development

3. The importance of developing your academic and career-related skills

4. The important aspects of your academic and career-related skills you need to consider to further develop yourself to fit your career pathway

5. The important things you will suggest to improve the PDP class and help other students develop themselves

d. Future plans

This part should establish sense of purpose and direction that the opportunities dwell ahead of you, and how you plan to achieve your set goals. This should set the scene of what you want your future to look like. The following should be part of your discussion:

  1. Identify personal development needs

  2. Undertake the needed development

  3. Look at and value development opportunities

  4. Formulate achievable action plan

  5. Record and share feasible outcomes

  6. Continue to review and evaluate the learning processes

2. Always incorporate to use the theory of reflective practice in doing your work. As much as possible you need to include examples of theory and relate this to your experiences in PDP.

3. You must use at least eight latest academic sources. Include proper in-text citation and a reference list at the end of your assignment. You have to follow the Harvard referencing style.

4. Use proper report style format, with headings and sub-headings. The font type must be either Arial or Times New Roman with a font size 12 arid with 1.5 line spacing. It should be a Microsoft Word Document based on required format.

5. Before the final submission of the reflective writing, it has to be subjected to Turnitin checks for a similarity index not higher than 10%.

This assignment will assess the following learning outcomes:

Identify their own learning style and preferences and apply self-management and independent learning strategies to support their study at HE level 4.

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Dissertation: Personal development plan upon learning pdp module the
Reference No:- TGS02570983

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