Question 1: What is a form of intangible capital that includes the skills and other knowledge that workers possess or acquire through education, training, and health care that yields valuable productive services over time?
- Labor-Leisure Trade-Off Capital
- Human Capital
- Expected Value Capital
- Long Run Capital
Question 2. Personal computers are likely to have a _______ rate of depreciation than health capital because of ________.
- lower; improving technology making replacements more productive
- higher; improving technology making replacements more productive.
- lower; more favorable tax treatment
- higher; longer useful life
Question 3. Time is an important factor in health production because ____________.
- all consumers could work and earn more money if they did not spend time producing health
- no health-producing activities involve time-spending activities such as traveling to the provider
- with only 24 hours in a day, time spent producing health must come from some other activity
- we forego current consumption to improve health, which lasts into the future
Question 4. Coinsurance refers to ________________.
- a fixed dollar or percentage fee per treatment
- an amount that the insured must pay out-of-pocket, before the insurer will pay
- the price of insurance to the insured
- the cost of insuring one's family
Question 5. Which of the following features does not characterize a desirable aspect of insurance arrangements?
- The number of insured should be large, and they should be independently exposed to the potential loss.
- The chance of loss should be measurable
- The insurer should be guaranteed positive economic profits
- The losses should be accidental from the viewpoint of the person who is injured
Question 6. Moral hazard refers to ________.
- illegal behavior by insurers
- illegal behavior by consumers
- behavior that occurs solely because of the contractual insurance arrangement
- consumers' choosing particular plans based on their health statuses
Question 7. Compared to men, women have ________ health expenditures earlier in their lives ___ and ____ health expenditures later in their lives.
- lower; lower
- higher; lower
- lower; higher
- higher; higher
Question 8. Low income Americans are found to receive worse care than others as evaluated by 15 of 20 core measures. This difference can be explained by _________.
- higher income
- better access to care
- different care-seeking behaviors
- geographical differences
Question 9. Increased health insurance since World War II explains about ____ percent of the increase in expenditures per capita:
Question 10. Many of the more industrialized countries have sought to reform their health care systems by introducing elements of ________.
- increased cost sharing
- multiple payer plans
- decreased global budget
- non-government service provision
Question 11. Individual insurance mandates require ________________.
- taxpayers to enroll in government-sponsored insurance
- taxpayers to buy insurance from private sellers
- all consumers to get insurance, whether from employers, the private market, or the government
- employers to stop offering insurance
Question 12. Employer mandates require________.
- all employers to provide health insurance
- all employers to increase workers' pay so they can buy health insurance
- all employers to provide pharmaceutical coverage
- all employers to decrease workers' pay to compensate for health insurance
Question 13. Total expenditure for universal health insurance would______ the true cost because ________.
- overstate; the uninsured are already receiving uncompensated care
- understate; employers would lose money
- precisely estimate; we have good estimates of health care costs
- understate; insurers could not offer this coverage without a subsidy
Question 14. In the United States, employer-provided health insurance distorts the choice between health care and other items because ________.
- health insurance may lead to over-consumption of health care due to moral hazard
- employer contributions are tax exempt, thus reducing the price of insurance relative to other goods
- workers believe that health insurance is free
- health insurance may lead to under-consumption of health care and preventative care
Question 15. Advocates of "single payer" national health insurance believe it is desirable because it ________.
- reduces administrative costs by reducing multiple forms that hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes must fill out
- eliminates a wastefully competitive health insurance industry
- provides less costly variety than would privately provided insurance
- can achieve economies of scale in providing insurance
Question 16. Pay for performance (P4P) plans ________.
- have proven successful in reducing health expenditures
- require detailed performance measures to be successful
- have improved the Canadian health care system
- will always increase health care quality
Question 17. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) features which of the following?
- A "Cadillac tax" on high-cost employer-provided health insurance
- A penalty for employers with 10 or fewer full-time employees that do not offer coverage
- A single payer for all medical expenses
- A tax benefit for large businesses that provide health insurance
Question 18. When a person decides to be vaccinated against a contagious disase, this creates a ________ for other people in the community.
- positive external benefit
- negative external factor
- medical crisis
- shortage of medical care
Question 19. Who provides the majority of insurance for the population of the United States?
- Employers
- Medicare
- Military
- The majority of the population is uninsured.
Question 20. Which of the following is the health care reform legislation passed by Congress and signed by President Obama in March 2010?
- The National Health Insurance Act
- The Health Savings Accounts Act
- The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
- The Social Security Act