
Personal biblical worldview impacts

paper in APA format, explaining how a personal biblical worldview impacts your belief and opinions about curriculum development. This paper should include your beliefs about the roles of the teacher, learner, society, government, church, and family in the development of the curriculum. Rubric is below:

Criterion Point Value Points Possible Points Earned &
Instructor Comments
Writing quality (third person, grammar, spelling, etc. APA formatting) 10 100
At least 5 sources (APA formatting) 10
Major content is included:
1. Christian philosophy and worldview
2. Personal belief about truth of society
3. Roles of the teacher and learner
4. Roles of the society, government, church, and family in the development of curriculum 50
Sufficient length (4-5 pages) 10
Source variety: Inclusion of both secular (e.g. Hirsch, Character Counts) and Christian (e.g. Dobson, Bennett) publications 10
Brings clarity to issues being discussed relating issues to Scripture/biblical principles and experience 10

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English: Personal biblical worldview impacts
Reference No:- TGS056823

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