Write down a 350 to 700 word ethical manifesto which explains your personal approach to moral decision making and how you communicate ethically.
a) Sum up the main models of ethical decision making.
b) Comprise which models of ethical decision making are part of your manifesto.
Give rationale as to why you select to comprise or why you do not choose to comprise models.
Choose one of the given models of ethical decision making:
a) Golden mean (Aristotle)
b) Categorical Imperative (Kant)
c) Utilitarianism (Mill)
d) Veil of Ignorance (Rawls)
e) Persons as Ends (Judeo-Christian)
Use the philosophical principles from the ethical decision-making model selected to describe and apply it to your a real world communication illustration.
Describe how the model you have selected is more efficient than at least three of the other listed models above.
Format your manifesto consistent with the APA rule.