periodicalsnow let us discuss the type of


Now let us discuss the type of documents that need binding in libraries. Among these, periodicals need to ' be bound for their archival value. Periodicals constitute a very significant segment of library collection, especially research libraries and university libraries. The binding  of these materials in a research library represents an important element of conservation. They should be carefully checked at intervals all through the year for completeness and due care should be taken to obtain  for every periodical its title page, contents and index from the publishers when available.  The checked sets  may then be  bound according to the use anticipated. The advent of their wear and tear is comparatively less. Thus libraries can save space and money by going in for light storage bindings, that is, a cloth binding with boards of strength adequate to save unnecessary expense. It is not advisable  to bind permanent materials which are fragile, rare items, archives and newspapers. For their protection, they should be laminated. File envelopes and specially sized flat storage boxes are more suitable for archival material: Special collections, rarities and other beautiful works may be bound with special 'fine bindings',  

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Management Theories: periodicalsnow let us discuss the type of
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