
Performing a critique of two sources of literature

Complete the following Assessment task in around 400 words for performing a critique of two sources of literature. In this, you can make use of Harvard referencing all along with at a minimum of 2 references.

Students will perform a critique of two sources of literature. To ‘critique' is to provide a review of a piece of work, idea, written or oral communication by systematic analysis. This means that you need to think deeply about what is being said, drill down through the ideas and pull out information and meaning from the work. To critique is to go much deeper than just reporting back what was said. It's about considering the implications, possibilities and potential consequences of the ideas presented and articulating your own, well-supported opinions.

Students will share their ideas in their reading groups. The purpose of this is to have the opportunity to consider different perspectives as you broaden your understandings about curriculum and learning.


Step 1: Carefully read the two pieces of literature:

Colliver, Y & Fleer, M 2015, '‘I already know what I learned': young children's perspectives on learning through play', Early Child Development and Care, pp. 1-12.

Dockett, S 2011, 'The challenge of play for early childhood educators', in S Rogers (ed.), Rethinking play and pedagogy in early childhood education: Concepts, contexts and cultures, Routledge, London, pp. 76 - 108.


Step 2: Compare and contrast the ideas discussed within each literature piece. Some key points for consideration are:

a) How is play and playful learning described?

b) What is the role of the teacher?

c) Are there any problems with play? Why?

Step 3: Use this analysis to make your express your own views about children's play and the role of the adult.

Don't forget....

Support your discussion with referenced, credible and up to date literature. You must choose a referencing style and follow the guidelines for that style. The most commonly used style in the School of Education at Deakin is the Harvard Style. Guidelines for the style can be found in the University's Guide to assignment writing and referencing by following the link below;


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