
Performance task analysis- summative

Performance Task Analysis- Summative Assessment Preparation

This week's assignment is to bring us back to your own summative assignment for the course: the design of a summative assessment. You will spend some time analyzing the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium website to inform your response. The following must be done before constructing your assignment:

View Introduction to smarter balanced item and performance task development PowerPoint. Be sure to view the comments list.

Read the Frequently asked questions on the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium website.
Take some time to peruse the various sample items and corresponding rubrics (when applicable) by selecting "View More Sample Items" at the top of the Consortium screen.

Guided exploration: Analyze the Grandma Ruth 6th grade writing performance task and its corresponding rubric.

To find the rubric, view the "About this item" tab at the top. Note the "Claim" for the assignment (aligns with standard) and the "Target" (objectives and sub-objectives align with Depth of Knowledge [DOK]).

Directions: Use the provided template to complete your analysis of what you learned from Smarter Balanced. Ultimately, you will evaluate how what you observe relates to our course learning outcomes regarding Learning and Assessment for the 21st Century. You must include:
The Course Learning Outcome (CLO) number and description.

Evidence of how it aligns with Course Learning Outcome (CLO).

A reflection on your learning and potential application.

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HR Management: Performance task analysis- summative
Reference No:- TGS01067194

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