
Performance management system in your organization

Performance Management:

In the session-long project, you will be asked to select a reference organization to use as a focus for your application of research ideas. This may be your choice of:

- Your current workplace

- A workplace with which you are not affiliated (now) but of which you have good knowledge (could be that of a friend or your Significant Other...)

For this group of 5 - Please use Wal-Mart, Target, Sears, or JCPenny's as the workplace (chose only one for all five assignments) - Thanks

Please note that you will not be asked to disclose any intimate or awkward material about any one you choose. Your confidentiality will be fully respected; no one but the instructor will see anything you write. If you have a non-traditional organization, you may need to be a bit creative in interpreting the assignments, but I think you'll find it's both stimulating and entertaining to try.

For the Module 5 component of the Project, please address the following question in a paper:

- Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the performance management system in your organization.

- What recommendations would you make to improve this system?

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Other Management: Performance management system in your organization
Reference No:- TGS01618537

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