
performance in the practical application over

Performance in the practical application over time, and make improvements to their delivery when necessary. Additionally, the samples will serve as exemplar materials for practical application assessors appointed by course providers to use as guidance in their assessment decisions.

Sampling of provider-marked scripts enables to ensure that the standard of marking for internal assessment remains consistent over time both within and between accredited course providers. Using archived materials in this way is intended to maintain marking standards and enhance parity between the marks before and after moderation.

Candidates will be supplied with a sufficient number of observation sheets from their course provider which may be photocopied for the purpose. An example observation sheet is given at The observation sheets must be completed during the inspection which should take 45 minutes and no alterations should be made to it. Only brief details of each hazard are required including where the hazard was located and the nature of the hazard. For example, ‘housekeeping could be better' does not give enough information about the particular hazard. Candidates should avoid the tendency to simply identify the tasks being undertaken, or the equipment that is being used, instead of providing an indication of how the tasks or items of equipment pose a risk. Candidates must demonstrate their understanding of how identified hazards have the potential to cause harm, for example, boxes stored on the floor may cause obstruction of access, egress routes and / or a risk of musculoskeletal injury if lifted.

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HR Management: performance in the practical application over
Reference No:- TGS0416749

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