
performance evaluationcake batter aeration can be

Performance Evaluation

Cake batter aeration can be affected by the plasticity, consistency, emulsification, bake stock formulation and other fats and oil properties.  Creaming volume evaluations measure the ability of an oil or margarine to incorporate and retain air in a cake batter. In most cases, batter aeration is an indicator of the baked cake volume, grain and texture and materially affects the handling qualities of the cake batter.

The creaming volume test formula consists of only three ingredients: (1) Test oil or margarine, (2) granulated sugar, and (3) whole eggs. This procedure is the first stage of an old fashion pound cake, where all of the cake batter aeration depended upon the creaming properties of the oil with whole eggs.  Batter specific gravities are determined after mixing for 15 minutes and again after 20 minutes. Continued aeration, identified by a decrease in batter specific gravity, indicates that the fat or oil product has a stable consistency that has not broken down to allow the release of air from the batter. Specific gravity is expressed as grams per cubic centimetre per 100 grams, calculated by multiplying the reciprocal of the specific gravity by 100. Specific volume better illustrates the amount or degree of aeration.  The performance test is applicable to emulsified, as well as non emulsified products, to measure aeration potential in a cake batter.


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Biology: performance evaluationcake batter aeration can be
Reference No:- TGS0310230

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