
performance evaluation or appraisalperformance

Performance Evaluation or Appraisal

Performance Evaluation or Appraisal is the procedure of deciding how worker do their jobs. Performance appraisal is a technique of evaluating the behaviour of worker in the workspot, usually by including the quantitative and qualitative both aspects of job performance.

The performance appraisal technique may be classified into three categories for example Multiple-person evaluation methods, Individual evaluation methods, other methods.

Forced choice method was developed to remove bias and the preponderance of high ratings which might take place in some organisations.

Management by Objectives (MBO) technique emphasises participatively set objective (that are agreed upon by the superior and the worker) that are, verifiable, tangible and measurable.

The difficulty inherent in performance appraisal can be described as:

Judgement errors, Ineffective organisational, Lack of rater preparedness, Poor appraisal forms policies and practices.

There are three different schemas for carrying out appraisals. Workers can be appraised against (i) absolute standards (where worker's performance is measured against some recognized standards; the subjects here are not compared with any of other person) (ii) relative standards (where the subjects are compared with other individuals) and (iii) objective.

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