
Performance development plan

Question 1:

a) Illustrate the term reward policy?

b) What are the major components of the reward policy?

Question 2: The concept of psychological contract is significant one to anybody comprised with reward management as it is mainly concerned with defining and meeting expectations concerning pay, performance and the development and application of competence and skills.

Critically examine this statement taking into account the changing nature of the psychological contract and its implications for the reward management.

Question 3:

a) Illustrate the difference between job evaluation and job description?

b) Explain any three techniques used to appraise jobs.

Question 4: A performance development plan can be employed to further the mission of an organization and improve on the whole quality of the workforce”?

How far do you agree with this statement?

Question 5:

a) List down the components of the Performance Management Cycle and comment on each one of them.

b) What are the main principles in the design of the performance appraisals schemes?

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Other Management: Performance development plan
Reference No:- TGS06626

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