
Performance appraisal plan you should describe how the job

Assignment 1:


The purpose of this class is to allow students to demonstrate the degree to which they can effectively design appropriate HRM policies, processes, and decisions. Please, return to the discussion board and choose the Job Title that you would like to do your assignment on. By the end of this course you will complete a report that is based on the selected Job Title.


1. Choose a Job Title
2. Write a Job Description for the title you have chosen
3. Hiring Plan

Once you have selected the title, you are to write a job description. I will expect you to have read the chapters assigned for each week. Since this will help you manipulate the material to finish each week's section. Each week is made up of two sections except for this week. I have included a brief description of what I would expect to see on each section.

Section 1:

Select a Job Title:

You should select a Job Title to use in the project. (1) an entry-level job for which college graduates with an undergraduate degree would be qualified or (2) a job that would be supervised by an entry-level job for college graduates. For example, if a team wants to select a job in retailing, then the team might pick either a job title like "Assistant Store Manager" (an entry-level job for a new college graduate) or a job title like "Retail Salesperson" (a job that is supervised by an Assistant Store Manager).

Section 2:

Job Description:

You should write a job description in the proper format for the Job Title that's been selected. In addition to the job description, you should include a description of how the job description was prepared. For example, if you use O*NET to write the task statements, then the you should explain what job title was found in O*NET and how the task statements in O*NET were used (e.g., were the task statements copied directly (unedited), or were the task statements from O*NET edited in some way).

Section 3:

Hiring Plan:

You should write a hiring plan. The hiring plan should include:

Recruiting Plan: In general, your team should discuss how you would recruit a pool of well-qualified applicants for the Job Title. What is the relevant labor market for the job title? What specific recruiting methods would you use?

Selection Plan: In general, your team should discuss how you would decide who to hire from the pool of applicants. What selection methods would you use? How would you implement each selection method? For example, if one of your selection methods is to screen resumes, then you should describe what you would be looking for on the applicants' resumes. As another example, if one of your selection methods is to interview the applicants, then you should describe the questions you would want to ask in the interviews and how you would evaluate the applicants' answers. Make sure to submit the assignment through the view/complete link below.

Assignment 2:

We are now in week 2 of this assignment, which means you should have the first three sections of this report done or at least almost finished. This week assignment will be based out of two sections. You can find more information regarding these sections on the assigned chapter readings for this class. Throughout the report, you are to document all resources used in the report. For example if a particular website is used, then the report should identify the website and describe how it was used. Also, consider the feedback given for your first week section.

Section 4:

Performance Appraisal Plan: You should describe how the job performance of an employee performing the Job Title would be evaluated. What aspects of the job performance should be included in the performance appraisal for the Job Title? How should each aspect of job performance be measured?

Section 5:

Training Plan: You should describe the training requirements for a newly hired employee who will perform the Job Title. What are the training needs for the Job Title? How should the training be structured and delivered?

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Management Information Sys: Performance appraisal plan you should describe how the job
Reference No:- TGS01489125

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