
Perform research - identify the hard and soft technology

Technological Environment

Continue working with your company and industry from Week 2 for forums and complete the following:


  1. Perform research (minimum of 2 sources in APA format).
  2. Identify the hard and soft technology used for both the domestic and global environments. This is not about computers or software; see lesson plan for details and remember to incorporate critical thinking (see resources).
  3. Identify the technology barriers to the company in both environments.
  4. Evaluate the strategy used and how the company will protect their technology.
  5. Make recommendations on how the company can overcome these. It is not sufficient to say you have no recommendations; incorporate critical thinking (see resources).
  6. Minimum 3 complete paragraphs; a paragraph is a minimum of 100 words. 

Politcal-Legal Environment

Continue working with your company and industry from Week 2 for forums and complete the following:


1. Perform research (minimum of 2 sources in APA format).

2. Integrate the company's political and legal environments from its domestic country.

3. What barriers do you notice?

4. What limitations do you see for this company?

5. Minimum 3 complete paragraphs; a paragraph is a minimum of 100 words.


Continue working with your company and industry from Week 2 and complete the following:


1. Perform research (minimum of 2 sources in APA format).

2. Identify the country cluster (as identified in the text) for both your Domestic and Global environments; choose different clusters.

3. Include sociocultural factors that may help and hinder the company and its operations in 2 different cluster countries.

4. Evaluate their successes and/or failures.

5. Minimum 4 complete paragraphs; a paragraph is a minimum of 100 words.

Economic Environment

Continue working with your company and industry from Week 2 and complete the following:


1. Perform research (minimum of 2 sources in APA format).

2. Using your chosen company's domestic and global environments identify the economic environment of each and compare and contrast it using Rostow and Galbraith (see lesson plan and resources).

3. Which are the limitations? Why?

4. Minimum 5 complete paragraphs; a paragraph is a minimum of 100 words.

Final Simulation

Continue with your chosen company for forums and complete the following:


1. You have been working with each environment individually; now it's time to integrate and synthesize.

2. Perform research (minimum of 3 sources in APA format).

3. Analyze each environment collectively by incorporating theories learned.

4. How are the individual environments working together for your chosen company?

5. How is each working with the other environments?

6. Is an environment causing limitations on another? If so, which environments are involved and what are the limitations?

7. What could you change to create synergy? Your answer cannot be that you wouldn't change a thing. You must incorporate critical thinking (see resources).

8. Minimum 6 complete paragraphs; a paragraph is a minimum of 100 words.

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Case Study: Perform research - identify the hard and soft technology
Reference No:- TGS01067490

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