- IP sub-netting and IP subnet design
- Perform basic IP routing
I. IP Sub-netting
Give a network address 192.168.xx.0/24 (Replace xx by the last 2 number of your student ID. For example, if your student number is s012345678, then replace xx by 78. Your network will be
Perform IP sub-netting for the above given network address into 8 subnets such that each subnet has the same number of IP Addresses.
2. IP Routing configuration
Given the following network topology

Allocate Sub- networks that you designed in question 1 to each sub network in the above network topology. Fill in the corresponding sub¬network Address into the following table.
Assign valid IP addresses of the corresponding subnets to PC and Ports on the Routers. Filled in your assigned IP addresses and subnet mask into the following table:
Provide configuration script for each router to assign IP address to Router Port and configure IP Routing (can be either Static or Dynamic Routing) such that the network is full connected and every device can ping any other devices.
3. Implement the network as shown in Question 2 into Packet Tracer,
Configure IP Addresses of All devices and Routing for the network. After network is fully configured and functional, perform Ping
Verification to test the network. Capture Screenshot and place ping verification here.
Show Ping from PC in NET A to PC in NET- B
Show Ping from PC in NET A to PC in NET- C
Show Ping from PC in NET A to PC in NET D
Show Ping from PC in NET B to PC in NET- C
Show Ping from PC in NET C to PC in NET D
You are requested to submit this design document (with your answer) and the Packet Tracer file of the network implementation to Vu Collaborate submission Dropbox by the due date (as indicated in the drop box)
Attachment:- Assessment Specification.rar