
Perform experiments using your circuit design using your

1. You will be designing a "Full Wave Bridge Rectifier" using four 1N4148 diodes and other linear components (R, L, C). (Note, use 2k? or above for the load resistor)

2. You will be using sinusoidal AC voltage source from the function generator as the input to your circuit. Use below parameters for the AC voltage source from the function generator.
Vp-p = +/-8V
Freq = 1kHz
Wave = sinusoidal (sine wave)

3. The target of this design is to achieve "DC voltage output" from the "AC voltage input" by using the rectifier and appropriate filters. You need to add appropriate "filter circuit" at the load to eliminate (reduce) the ripples caused by AC voltage input. DO "NOT" ADD ZENER DIODE VOLTAGE REGULATOR AT THE END.

4. Analyze your circuit. Explicitly state all applicable status, assumptions, and theorems (laws) that have been used in your solution.

5. Perform PSPICE simulation for your circuit to confirm your analysis. Plot (and submit) input voltage, output voltage, and circuit schematics. Try to vary the filter portion (R, L, C) of your circuit and plot (and submit) output voltages.

6. Perform experiments using your circuit design. Using your digital scope, plot (and submit) input voltage and output voltage from your circuit design. Try to vary the filter portion (R, L, C) of your circuit and plot (and submit) output voltages.

7. Be sure to submit ALL your "intermediate steps" (output results for both PSPICE simulations and experiments).

8. Discuss your results in detail with your own words. Even though you have worked in groups, you will need to write your own discussion by yourself.

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Electrical Engineering: Perform experiments using your circuit design using your
Reference No:- TGS0615923

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