
Perform a scatter plot between dollars and disability and

Question 1:

As a researcher, your government request you to determine the relationship between research funds (funds allocated to MoHSS for the fight against 29 killer diseases) and disability-adjusted lefe-years lost due to these diseases. The data, finename=govtfunds.csv, is accessible from the elearning portal. For this data:

a) Perform a scatter plot between dollars ($Billion) and disability (Millions of life- years). Give a comment on the scatter plot.

b) Perform a scatter plot using funding values below $1billion only and give a comment

c) Perform a simple linear regression analysis for this data. After fitting your model do a residual analysis (plots) and then do a short write up (half a page at most) detailing your findings (interpretations etc) and how credible your findings are.

d) Transform the two variables using the log transformation. (Find out why and when to do this type of transformation and check the scatter plot if the explanation suits your observation)

e) Perform a scatter plot for the transformed variables

f) Perform a simple linear regression analysis for the transformed data. After fitting your model do a residual analysis (plots) and then do a short write up (half a page at most) detailing your findings (interpretations etc) and how credible your findings are.

Question 2:

Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening complication of an infection. Sepsis occurs when chemicals released into the bloodstream to fight the infection trigger inflammatory responses throughout the body. This inflammation can trigger a cascade of changes that can damage multiple organ systems, causing them to fail.

The dataset "question 2 dataset.xls" shows the mortal outcome (variable "mortality" in dataset) from 455 sepsis patients after 30 days. Patients are coded as 1 or 0 depending on whether they are dead or alive at 30 days, respectively. It is believed that the outcome is influenced by the baseline APACHE (Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation) score in these patients. Use an appropriate model for this data to determine if the APACHE score is a mortality risk factor for Sepsis patients.

1. The choice of your model, that is, why you chose the model you used for this analysis.

2. Run the appropriate model in SPSS or STATA using the given dataset "question"

3. Write down the fitted model and interpret your results.

4. Write a short report highlighting your findings in relation to the research objective.

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Advanced Statistics: Perform a scatter plot between dollars and disability and
Reference No:- TGS0955854

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