
Perform a personal swot analysis for a company

Learning Activity Topic: Personal/Career SWOT Analysis

Part of being a keen strategist is to be prepared to sell yourself in the competitive industry or field of interest. Remember, you are the product to the one who is interviewing you for the next step in your career. One way to sell the product (you) is to reflect upon where you currently are in your career through a Personal SWOT analysis.

The Personal SWOT analysis template has some ideas for you to drawn from to get you started. You might want to strive to have at least five  items to list in each of the four quadrants.

After completing the SWOT analysis, create an Outcome List in how you plan to transform at least two Weaknesses into Strengths, and at least two to transform from Threats into Opportunities. You will also need to include benchmarks (timelines) as to when you will start and complete each task.

Learning Activity Checklist:

Review the Unit 2 videos from the Webliography section on SWOT analysis where Dr. David Furse discusses "What is a SWOT analysis?" and Erica Olsen shows you "How to do a SWOT analysis."

View the Learning Activity presentation.

Perform a Personal SWOT analysis using the Personal SWOT analysis template.

Transform your weaknesses into strengths and provide at least two items to work from for your Outcome List. Include the benchmark timelines as to when you will start and complete the task.

Transform your threats into opportunities and provide at least two items to work from for your Outcome List. Include the benchmark timelines as to when you will start and complete the task.

Submit your Personal SWOT analysis and outcome list to the Learning Activity Dropbox for Unit 2.

Practice What you Learned: Please take time to complete the interactive Learning Activity here. This will help you practice important concepts related to skills you have learned and will improve your success with Assignments and Discussions.


? What do you currently do well within your role?

? What do others see as your strengths?

? What resources are available to you?


? Where do you have fewer resources than others?

? What do others see as your weaknesses?

? What could you do better?


? What opportunities are available to you?

? How can your strengths become opportunities?

? What trends present an opportunity?


? What external forces could harm you?

? What threats do your weaknesses present?

? What is your competition doing?

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Marketing Management: Perform a personal swot analysis for a company
Reference No:- TGS01767247

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