
Perform a consumer analysis

Assignment task: Choose an edition of a newspaper or magazine. Perform a consumer analysis. Questions to Evaluate Consumer Health Advertisements

1. What is the product being sold?

2. What is the purpose of the ad?

3. Who should buy this product?

4. What psychological approach is used to increase sales of this product?

5. How reliable is the source of the ad for health information?

6. Which statements about the product are true?

7. What important information is missing?

8. What are the product ingredients?

9. What are the health benefits of the product, if any?

10. Are there any negative or side effects for consumers to consider?

11. What is the credibility of the product manufacturer?

12. How were the product's features enhanced to improve its appeal to you?

13. How would you change the advertisement to benefit consumers?

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Other Management: Perform a consumer analysis
Reference No:- TGS03418763

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