
perform 2s complement subtraction of 710 - 1110

Perform 2's complement subtraction of (7)10 - (11)10 .

Ans. 2's Complements Subtraction of (7)10 - (11)10
Firstly convert the decimal numbers 7 and 11 to there binary equivalents.
(7)10  = (0111)2 and (11)10 = (1011)2 in 4-bit system.
After that determine the 2's complement for 1011 that is

1's Complement of 1011 is 0100
2's Complement of 1011 is 0101

Therefore, (7)10 - (11)10 =


Because there is no carry over flow occurring into the summation, the output is a negative number, to determine their magnitude, 2's Complement of the result should be got.
2's Complement of 1100 is as

So the answer is (-4)10 (or) in 2's complement it is 1100.

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Computer Engineering: perform 2s complement subtraction of 710 - 1110
Reference No:- TGS0274304

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