
Perception of contemporary definition-disaster resilience

Disaster resilince and community health

(1000) words

A) What is your perception of a contemporary definition of ‘disaster resilience’?

B) What have been 3 main drivers in the evolution of ‘disaster resilience’ as a global trend?

C) How would you rate your country’s progress towards the priorities of the Hyogo Framework?

You are required to locate at least one ADDITIONAL reference (additional to the core readings provided below)

There are four general background readings to set the scene for the Unit. They serve as a philosophical overview for discussion in the Unit and as a stimulus to your reflection on your own professional practice and of those around you! These readings are general introductory readings to get you started in the Unit.

Disaster resilience is a relatively new concept. ‘Resilience’ is a concept that has bee developed in many disciplines over an extensive period, but ‘resilience’ as applied the ‘disaster’ setting is a global trend which has in evolved only since the mid-2000’s.

The 2013 article by David Alexander provides a nice historical overview and some of the key issues in the evolution of disaster resilience and is available at


In the Australian setting, Dudley McArdle has outlined the evolution of ‘disaster resilience’ leading to the Council of Australian Government’s(COAG) National Strategy for Disaster Resilience – Building our nation’s resilience to disasters (NSDR) released in 2011 and which has driven developments across Australia since that time.


(COAG) https://www.coag.gov.au/sites/default/files/national_strategy_disaster_resilience.pdf

Fran Norris, presents an interesting perspective of ‘resilience’ in ‘Community Resilience as a Metaphor, Theory, Set of Capacities, and Strategy for Disaster Readiness’ (2008)


Saudi Arabia (more about IT)

Guidelines on Disaster Recovery Planning for the ICT Industry. This article relates to ‘recovery’ but includes a ‘disaster resilience’ perspective.




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