Perception of adolescent girls towards cervical cancer test

Research question: Perception of adolescent girls towards Cervical Cancer testing.

Research design: Descriptive exploratory qualitative research

Develop a well justified research proposal (use a broad range of literature to support assertions). Note: consider carefully the research approach based on the framing of the question.

Present the proposal and the discussion under the following headings:

1) Introduction

2) Research question, aims, specific objectives of the study

3) Sampling and recruitment of participants

4) Ethical considerations

5) Proposed research approach

6) Discussion about the instrument to answer the research question

7) Issues (e.g. reliability, validity, transferability, confirmability)

8) Analysis

9) Conclusion. 

Essay writing principles apply. Please use critical discussion, not bullet points or lists. Support all statements by referring to appropriate contemporary research based literature. Reference as per Harvard referencing system.

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Other Subject: Perception of adolescent girls towards cervical cancer test
Reference No:- TGS02040

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