
Per the text audit findings focus on four areas criteria

Qusetion: 1. "Audit Findings and Business Processes"

• Per the text, audit findings focus on four areas: criteria, circumstance, cause, and impact. Determine the area that you believe might be the most difficult to complete. Justify your response. Then, propose a method to address the difficulties you identified.

2. "System Quality Requirements Engineering (SQUARE)" Please respond to the following:

In your reading this week, you looked at reliability, safety, security, and resilience engineering. Review your reading on SQUARE before posting this week. Read the following discussion questions and post your initial response by Wednesday for full points. Return on a couple of other days before the Sunday due date and interact with a couple of classmates. Respond to any posters who have commented on your post and respond to the posts of others. Let's get the conversation going... and don't forget to have fun while you're learning!

• Due to the growth and sophistication of cyber-attacks against organizations, the client and software developers need to agree on security definitions derived from the client's business goals. As a software engineer, you have explored the concept of System Quality Requirements Engineering (SQUARE). Now you need to convince your team to build security and quality concepts into the early stages of the development life cycles. Your job is to discuss SQUARE methodology or SQUARE steps to show your team the advantages of using SQUARE methodology in the development stage. How will you accomplish this? What are some things you might do to get the team on board with your plan?

• Note: The Security Quality Requirements Engineering (SQUARE) project is identifying and assessing processes and techniques to improve requirements identification, analysis, specification, and management. The project is also focusing on management issues associated with the development of good security requirements.

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Computer Engineering: Per the text audit findings focus on four areas criteria
Reference No:- TGS02861383

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