
People feel safer when hes around including the punks thye

Identify the fragment in this paragraph by underline the first word of the fragment:

He looks like an escapee. From some derelict farm . e wears G.I. surplus, dirty tennis shones, and a red hanky tied around his head. And dark glasses. That he never takes off.He always carries a woman 's big leather purse. The kind with a long strap that he slings over his shoulder. He's officer Phil Pennington, and he's in the Plainclothes Divison. Of the Fifth Precinct.In that neighborhood policeare hated. But not Pennington. For one thing,he doesn't hassel anyone.Over the little stuff. He's strictly interested in the big stuff.Muder,rape and so on.And ther is plenty of that . People feel safer when he's around. Including the punks. Thye know Pennington knows they don't want to get into real trouble. They just want to mess around.And maybe make some money.

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English: People feel safer when hes around including the punks thye
Reference No:- TGS01728719

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