
People cope and survive in their new homeland

By reviewing the case scenario named : Maos last dancer and the seeting sun and the rolling world; rspond to the following questions:

1. Examine the personal qualities that help people adapt to the new and different place they find themselves in when they leave for a new home.

2. Examine the strategies that help people cope and survive in their new homeland.

3. "We leave home to find Home". Discuss.

4. People leave home for selfish reasons. Discuss.

5. Examine the reasons why people leave home.

6. To what extent do luck and hard work play a part in leaving home successfully and settling in to a new place?

7. 'There are times when you have to be strong.' How does this statement apply to the experience of leaving home?

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Other Subject: People cope and survive in their new homeland
Reference No:- TGS01239636

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