
Peer-to-peer network architecture

Question1. Software might be classified in System software and Application software. Make a distinction between these two categories, using examples to support your solution.

Question2. Illustrate why an Operating System is significant and explain the following functions of operating system.

i) Process Management

ii) Memory Management

iii) Storage Management

iv) Device Management

Question3. Data Communication is the procedure of sending data from one system to another via a communication channel. Write concise notes on any four communication channels employed for data communication.

Question4. A computer network can be a LAN or a WAN. Using appropriate diagrams and examples, explain what you understand by the term LAN.  Your answer must also illustrate the different ways of arranging computers in a network topology.

Question5. Illustrate the concept of switching with respect to networking and make a distinction between circuit switching and packet switching, using illustrations to support your answer.

Question6. Compare and contrast a peer-to-peer network architecture to Client-Server architecture. Support your answer with proper diagrams and examples.

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Computer Networking: Peer-to-peer network architecture
Reference No:- TGS05630

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