Peer review article vs. Popular press article comparison paper
Prepare a 1050 - 1400+ word paper by obtaining a recent (less than 6 months old) article from the popular press (newspaper or magazine) and then look up a peer reviewed (expert reviewed) journal research article (does not have to be as recent) on the same or similar topic. The purpose of this paper is to compare the scope and depth of content in the two different source types of articles and is not meant as a research paper on the particular topic you choose. Your topic should be related to the course objectives, like DNA, genetics, evolution, ecology, etc. You can find peer reviewed research articles by using the UoP online library. EBSCOhost, a major article database available at the UoP library, has an option to return only scholarly, peer reviewed articles from your search, and you may find this tool very useful. This paper is to be prepared individually, but you are encouraged to discuss ideas and concepts with your Learning Team members. Clearly summarize each article in your own words and contrast and compare their content as you answer the following
What was the attention to details?
What triggered the research?
Who conducted the research?
What methods were used?
What conclusions were reached?
What does this tell you about Peer Reviewed Journal research article and a Popular Press article?