
pedology this is the study of soil. pedology is a

Pedology: This is the study of soil. Pedology is a type of study of soils in their natural environment. Pedology is one of two main branches of soil science and the other big is edaphology. Pedology science is deals with pedogenesis, soil classification and soil morphology while the other edaphology studies the way soils influence fungi, plants or other living things.

Soil users like agronomists showed their initially little concern in the dynamics of soil. On the other hand pedologists or geologists did not showed initially focus on the agronomic applications of the soil characteristics but they show soil relation to the nature or history of landscapes. Pedologists are now also taking interest in the practical applications of a good understanding of pedogenesis processes that is the evolution and functioning of soils.

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Biology: pedology this is the study of soil. pedology is a
Reference No:- TGS0156156

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