Assignment: Pedometer Lab
An excellent tool to monitor daily physical activity is a pedometer. A pedometer is a small mechanical device that senses vertical body motion and counts footsteps. Wearing a pedometer throughout the day allows you to determine the total steps you take that day.
Position your pedometer on your waistline directly above the right knee; the pedometer should sit horizontally to react to the up and down motion of a step.
In the U.S. men typically take about 6,000 steps per day and women take about 5,300. The general recommendation for adults is 10,000 steps per day.
Adult Activity Levels Based on Total Number of Steps Taken per Day
<5,000 Sedentary lifestyle
5,000-7,499 Low active
7,500-9,999 Somewhat active
10,000-12,499 Active
>12,500 Highly active
All daily steps count, but some of your steps should come in bouts of at least 10 minutes. A 10-minute brisk walk is approximately 1,300 steps. A 15-minute walk is about 1,900 steps.
1. First estimate how many steps you think you will average each day_____________
2. Now determine your current level of daily activity. Wear your pedometer for three days. Record the number of steps each day and calculate a daily average.
Day: Date:
Day: Date:
Day: Date:
Average for three days_____________
3. Now set an appropriate goal for increasing steps. As mentioned above the goal of 10,000 steps per day is widely recommended, but your personal goal should reflect your average or baseline number of steps. For example, if your current daily steps are far below 10,000, a goal of walking 2,000 additional steps each day might be appropriate, or you may choose to increase your number of steps using a percentage. If you are already close to 10,000 steps per day, choose a higher goal.
State your goal(s) here:
Average for five days_________
Use the following graph to chart your progress:
Please answer the following questions.
How close were you to estimating your number of daily steps?
How close were you to meeting your goal(s)?
List some strategies you used to better attain your goal(s).
If you wore it on the weekend also, what differences in your activity level do you see between week days and weekend days?