
Pcn 610 organizational psychology assignment


1. What is HIPAA? Why is it relevant to the practice of professional counseling? What does it require? This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards: 47) Inform the client of his/her confidentiality rights, program procedures that safeguard them, and the exceptions imposed by statute. 110) Protect client rights to privacy and confidentiality in the preparation and handling of records, especially in relation to the communication of client information with third parties.

2. Define Informed Consent. How would you describe informed consent to a client? What does it include? When is it needed in the therapeutic relationship? What additional information would need to be in the informed consent when providing distance counseling? Refer to section H.2.a of the ACA Code of Ethics. This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards: 47) Inform the client of his/her confidentiality rights, program procedures that safeguard them, and the exceptions imposed by statute. 110) Protect client rights to privacy and confidentiality in the preparation and handling of records, especially in relation to the communication of client information with third parties.

3. How would you explain a diagnosis to a client? Are there circumstances in which a diagnosis would not be appropriate to share with a client? This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards: 9) Understand the established diagnostic criteria for substance dependence and abuse, and describe treatment modalities and placement criteria within the continuum of care. 30) Apply accepted criteria for diagnosis, and the use of modalities on the continuum of care, in making treatment recommendations.

4. There are many pros and cons in relation to mental health diagnosis. List some in supporting an argument for or against formal diagnostic protocols. Briefly explain the cross-cutting symptom measures in the DSM. Include at least two scholarly references. This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards: 11) Tailor helping strategies and treatment modalities to the client's stage of dependency, change, or recovery 30) Apply accepted criteria for diagnosis, and the use of modalities on the continuum of care, in making treatment recommendations.

5. What are some of the areas of a client's life that might help a counselor develop/identify patterns of mental illness in a case conceptualization? How does the client's developmental stage help guide treatment and interventions? This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standard: 25) Gather data systematically from the client and other available collateral sources, using screening instruments and other methods that are sensitive to age, culture and gender. At a minimum, data should include: current and historic substance use; health, mental health, and substance-related treatment history; mental status; and current social, environmental, and/or economic constraints on the client's ability to follow-through successfully with an action plan.

6. How do patterns of mental illness differ according to population? Name examples where one psychological symptom could be interpreted in two different ways based on age/gender/identified problem. This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards: 25) Gather data systematically from the client and other available collateral sources, using screening instruments and other methods that are sensitive to age, culture and gender. At a minimum, data should include: current and historic substance use; health, mental health, and substance-related treatment history; mental status; and current social, environmental, and/or economic constraints on the client's ability to follow-through successfully with an action plan. 33) Select and use comprehensive assessment instruments that are sensitive to age, gender and culture, and which address: (a) History of alcohol and other drug use (b) Health, mental health, and substance-related treatment history (c) History of sexual abuse or other physical, emotional, and verbal abuse, and/or other significant trauma (d) Family issues (e) Work history and career issues (f) Psychological, emotional, and world-view concerns (g) Physical and mental health status (h) Acculturation, assimilation, and cultural identification(s) (i) Education and basic life skills (j) Socio-economic characteristics, lifestyle, and current legal status (k) Use of community resources (l) Behavioral indicators of problems in the domains listed above. 34) Analyze and interpret the data to determine treatment recommendations. 37) Obtain and interpret all relevant assessment information.

7. Study the "Case Formulation and the Diagnostic Process" media piece. Now, summarize the process of assessment, diagnosing, and treatment in your own words. What are some implications for not including the client in the creation of an effective treatment plan? How does the therapist support the client for beneficial behaviors to progress towards treatment goals? This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards: 79) Encourage and reinforce all client actions that are determined to be beneficial in progressing toward treatment goals. 80) Work appropriately with the client to recognize and discourage all behaviors inconsistent with progress toward treatment goals.

8. How are treatment goals/objectives influenced by a therapist's theory of choice? Cite two examples of how the counseling theory being utilized in therapy could dramatically alter treatment goals. Give an example or describe a reason that would prompt you to make a referral. This discussion question meets the following CACREP Standard: 5.C.2.d. Diagnostic process, including differential diagnosis and the use of current diagnostic classification systems, including the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards: 52) Arrange referrals to other professionals, agencies, community programs, or other appropriate resources to meet client needs. 55) Evaluate the outcome of the referral. 56) Initiate collaboration with referral sources. 78) Work with the client to establish realistic, achievable goals consistent with achieving and maintaining recovery.

9. Why is it important for the client to collaborate in the creation of the treatment plan? Who owns the treatment plan? What if your goals are different from your client? Provide an example to support your response. This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards: 11) Tailor helping strategies and treatment modalities to the client's stage of dependency, change, or recovery. 77) Facilitate the client's engagement in the treatment/recovery process.

10. Are culturally sensitive treatment plans possible? Why or Why not? How does the developmental stage of the client influence the treatment plan? Please include at least two scholarly journal articles in your posting. This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards: 12) Adapt treatment services to the client's level of cultural and language literacy, acculturation, or assimilation. 68) Understand and recognize culturally appropriate stages of change and other signs of treatment progress.

11. In Topic 5, you created a treatment plan for your client. Create a SOAP note that would go in the client's chart following the visit. Post the SOAP note as a reply to this discussion thread. For follow-up discussion, evaluate at least two of your peers' SOAP notes. Would you have documented anything differently? Why or why not? This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards: 70) Describe and document treatment process, progress, and outcome. 94) Describe and summarize client behavior within the group for the purpose of documenting the client's progress and identifying needs/issues that may require modification of the treatment plan. 109) Demonstrate knowledge of accepted principles of client record management.

12. In Topic 5, you created a treatment plan for your client. If your client was to attend a group therapy session, write a progress note for that client's participation in that group. How is writing a group progress note different than an individual progress note? This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards: 70) Describe and document treatment process, progress, and outcome. 94) Describe and summarize client behavior within the group for the purpose of documenting the client's progress and identifying needs/issues that may require modification of the treatment plan. 109) Demonstrate knowledge of accepted principles of client record management. 13. What are some red flags that would indicate client resistance? How can you most effectively deal with resistance? Will a client with substance use disorder be more resistant than a client with a general mental health disorder? What would be the impact in involving significant others in treatment? Explain your response. This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards: 40) Examine treatment implications in collaboration with the client and significant others. 41) Confirm the readiness of the client and significant others to participate in treatment. 71) Apply generally accepted measures of treatment outcome. 72) Utilize referral skills, as described in Section 3. 112) Prepare and record treatment and continuing care plans that are consistent with agency standards and comply with applicable administrative rules.

14. What tools can you use to help motivate the client and keep them on track with their stated goals? What types of interventions might be appropriate to help the client become more focused or motivated? What are the indicators the client is stuck? This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards: 71) Apply generally accepted measures of treatment outcome. 72) Utilize referral skills, as described in Section 3. 77) Facilitate the client's engagement in the treatment/recovery process. 78) Work with the client to establish realistic, achievable goals consistent with achieving and maintaining recovery. 113) Record progress of the client in relation to treatment goals and objectives. 115) Document the treatment outcome, using accepted methods and instruments. 15. Why is it important to consider the first session the beginning of discharge planning? Why is it important to prepare an accurate and consistent discharge summary? Be sure to include ethical considerations and involvement of the client. This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards: 73) Conduct continuing care, relapse prevention, and discharge planning with the client and involved significant others. 74) Assure the accurate documentation of case management activities throughout the course of treatment. 75) Apply placement, continued stay, and discharge criteria for each modality on the continuum of care. 114) Prepare an accurate, concise, informative, and current discharge summary.

16. How would you prepare a client for discharge? What information should be discussed in sessions leading up to termination? This assignment meets the following NASAC Standards: 73) Conduct continuing care, relapse prevention, and discharge planning with the client and involved significant others. 114) Prepare an accurate, concise, informative, and current discharge summary. 115) Document the treatment outcome, using accepted methods and instruments.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

1. The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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