
Payments from various international aid agencies

In your own words, along with research, provide information about Gambia's customs, holidays, ethnic origins, religion, culture and historical background in the context of doing business in Gambia.

Question: In your opinion, would location of Gambia become unfavorable for all businesses? What about food or medical supplies? Or electricity generation from solar power? Water supply? Water purification? Tourism?

In many developing countries, are companies able to seek payments from various international aid agencies. Also, will institutions such as the World Bank or even the IMF lend funds to countries such as Gambia to build an infrastructure and roads among other necessities?

Would Gambia be high political risk and development terms to dismiss all terms of business activities with the country? Is risk high enough for a business if the rewards are also have high potential to balance the risks?

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Other Management: Payments from various international aid agencies
Reference No:- TGS01858315

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