
Payers 1 2 and 3 are involved in a game requiring some

Players 1, 2, and 3 are involved in a game requiring some coordination.Each chooses among two options: A and B. Nature determines whichof these options is the best one to coordinate on, picking A and B withequal probability. If a majority chooses the option that Nature deemsbest, then all three receives a payoff of 1. If a majority chooses theoption that is not the one that Nature deems best, then each receives apayoff of 0. Player 1 learns which option is best (i.e., she learns Nature'schoice). The three players then simultaneously choose an option. Finda Bayes Nash equilibrium in which a majority is guaranteed to pick thechoice Nature deems best.

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Business Management: Payers 1 2 and 3 are involved in a game requiring some
Reference No:- TGS01536988

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