Pay particular attention to integrative con?ict

Assignment task: Please review the chapter and pay particular attention to Integrative Con?ict (Win-Win) as this can help in completing the assignment. To get into the habit of looking for win- win solutions, consider the following con?ict situations. For each situation, generate a win-win solution that you feel the individuals involved in the con?ict could reasonably accept. Give yourself some time for each case. Please make sure to provide a response to the two questions at the end of the exercise.

1. Pat and Mark plan to take a two week vacation in August. Pat wants to go to the shore and relax by the water. Mark wants to go the mountains, hiking and camping.

2. Pat recently got a $3000 totally unexpected bonus. Pat wants to buy a new computer and printer to augment the of?ce; Mark wants to take a much needed vacation.

3. Pat leaves clothes all around the house and they sometimes sit there for days. Mark really hates this and they argue about it almost daily.

4. Philip has recently come out as gay to his parents. He wants them to accept him and his lifestyle (which includes a committed relationship with another man). His parents refuse to accept him and want him to seek religious counseling to change.

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