Pay-Best is a national shoe store chain with over 250 retail locations in Canada that sells shoes, boots, sandals, socks, belts, handbags and related products. Customers can also purchase products online from the company's secure web site. Returns of products purchased online must be made to local stores so that the condition of the item can be inspected before a refund is issued.
Pay-Best is facing increasing competition from other physical stores as well as from other online stores that are eroding its market share. Other business pressures are also affecting it, such as increasing regulation.
For each of the following three organizational responses, provide an example of how Pay-Best could use IT (information technology) with the organizational response:
i) Strategic systems
ii) Customer focus
iii) Make-to-order or mass customization
Provide three examples of potential negative impacts of IT upon employees who work at Pay-Best. For each example, research a potential solution to the negative impact. Clearly describe and reference your resource for the solution.