
Paul no the questionnaires intention is to identify and

Assignment 1-

Question 1:

Joly: I presume a good place to begin this discussion is the intention of the LQ.

Sanna: Well, the intention of the questionnaire clearly is to determine an individual's preferred behaviour style

Paul: No, the questionnaire's intention is to identify and target learners who are at risk for emotional burnout and underperformance

Lesiba: Actually the intention of the questionnaire is to assess all learners in the school

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Lesiba, Paul, Sanna

2. Paul, Sanna, Lesiba

3. Sanna, Lesiba, Paul

4. Sanna, Paul, Lesiba

5. Paul, Lesiba, Sanna

Question 2:

You: Do you think the questionnaire is fit for purpose given our context? In other words, do you think we can use the questionnaire for what we need it for?

Paul: Yes, because we need the LQ to identify learners who are at risk emotional burnout and underperformance, which fits the intention of the LQ

Joly: Yes, because we need the LQ to identify learners' preferred behaviour styles, which fits the intention of the LQ

Sanna: Yes, because the intention of the LQ is to assess all learners and we want to use the LQ to tailor motivational and support programmes to accommodate the needs of these learners

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Paul, Joly, Sanna

2. Joly, Paul, Sanna

3. Sanna, Paul, Joly

4. Joly, Sanna, Paul

5. Paul, Sanna, Joly

Question 3:

Lesiba: Given the intention of the LQ, what is its content domain?

Paul: All behaviour associated with emotional burnout and underperformance

Sanna: The content domain is behaviour associated with influence, inspiration, intellectual stimulation and physical behaviour

Joly: I think the content domain is all forms of behaviour associated with consideration, influence, inspiration and intellectual stimulation

 You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Sanna, Paul, Joly

2. Joly, Paul, Sanna

3. Sanna, Joly, Paul

4. Paul, Sanna, Joly

5. Joly, Sanna, Paul

Question 4:

Joly: I am not convinced that the scope of the LQ is sufficient in light of its intention and in light of what we need it for.

Sanna: I share your concern, Joly. The items included in the LQ do not fully represent the content domain

Lesiba: I am not concerned about the scope of the LQ. I think it has sufficient scope to assess learners at any school

Paul: If one takes into account that the LQ consists of different sections with different kinds of items it is clear that the LQ has sufficient scope to realise its purpose

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Sanna, Paul, Lesiba

2. Lesiba, Paul, Sanna

3. Sanna, Lesiba, Paul

4. Paul, Sanna, Lesiba

5. Paul, Lesiba, Sanna

Question 5:

You: Do you think the LQ is the correct type of questionnaire for our purposes?

Lesiba: The LQ is a survey type questionnaire and because we want to survey preferred behaviour style I think the LQ is the correct type of questionnaire for our purposes

Joly: I agree that the LQ is a survey type questionnaire. But we want to determine the learner's ability to cope with emotional burnout and underperformance and therefore I think the LQ may not be the correct type of questionnaire for our purposes

Paul: Actually the LQ is an ability type questionnaire, but it is not the correct type of questionnaire for our purposes because we want to determine the personality of the learner who suffers from emotional burnout and underperformance

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Lesiba, Joly, Paul

2. Paul, Joly, Lesiba

3. Lesiba, Paul, Joly

4. Joly, Lesiba, Paul

5. Joly, Paul, Lesiba

Question 6:

Paul: Do you think the instructions that the LQ provides to respondents are correct and complete?

Sanna: The instructions provide the correct information but are incomplete

Joly: I think the instructions provide the correct information and they are complete

Lesiba: No, I think the information provided by the instructions are incorrect and the instructions are also incomplete

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Sanna, Lesiba, Joly

2. Lesiba, Joly, Sanna

3. Sanna, Joly, Lesiba

4. Joly, Sanna, Lesiba

5. Joly, Lesiba, Sanna

Question 7:

You: Do you think confidentiality is an issue considering the way we plan to use the LQ?

Paul: I do not think confidentiality is an issue because the LQ does not require respondents to provide their names

Sanna: I think confidentiality is an issue because our ultimate goal is to identify learners who are at risk for emotional burnout and underperformance

Joly: To my mind confidentiality is not an issue because these learners are under-aged

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Sanna, Paul, Joly

2. Joly, Paul, Sanna

3. Sanna, Joly, Paul

4. Paul, Sanna, Joly

5. Paul, Joly, Sanna

Question 8:

Joly: What do you think of the sequence in which items are presented in the LQ?

Sanna: The items of the LQ are sequenced well. They are grouped into sections which allow for better focussed responses and they progress from questions about personal experiences to questions about personal opinions to questions requiring factual information, ending with personal experiences again

Paul: The sequencing of the items is not really an issue in the LQ. All the items except the last one are equally easy to respond to, requiring tick response only

Lesiba: The items in Section 1 should be moved to the end of the questionnaire due to the emotional impact of these questions and the possibility of them putting the respondent in a particular frame of mind

 You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Lesiba, Paul, Sanna

2. Sanna, Lesiba, Paul

3. Lesiba, Sanna, Paul

4. Paul, Sanna, Lesiba

5. Sanna, Paul, Lesiba

Question 9:

You: Another aspect we should consider is whether the LQ incorporates different item response formats. Can you identify items that demonstrate different response formats?

Paul: Items 1.2 and 3.3 are questions with limited choice of answers whereas others, such as 5.2, provide a checklist. I also noted that some items such as 2.4 and 2.6 require inversed responses

Lesiba: Items 2.2 and 2.7 are further examples of questions that require inversed responses, and the semantic differential type of items contained in Section 2 clearly differ from checklist type items, such as 3.3

Joly: I identified another item in Section 2 that requires inversed responses, namely 2.10.

Also keep in mind that the open question type such as 5.7 differs from the multiple choice type items provided in Section 2.

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Joly, Lesiba, Paul

2. Joly, Paul, Lesiba

3. Paul, Lesiba, Joly

4. Lesiba, Joly, Paul

5. Paul, Joly, Lesiba

Question 10:

Lesiba: Does the LQ include any filter questions?

Sanna: Item 3.4 is an example of a filter question, but unfortunately it does not operate correctly as a filter

Paul: Item 5.1 is an example of a filter question, and I think it operates correctly as a filter

Joly: I agree that item 5.1 is an example of a filter question, but I do not think it operates correctly as a filter

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Paul, Sanna, Joly

2. Joly, Paul, Sanna

3. Joly, Sanna, Paul

4. Sanna, Paul, Joly

5. Paul, Joly, Sanna

 Question 11:

You: I identified some items that I think may be problematic, and I want to hear what you think about them. The first item I identified is 2.11

Lesiba: The item is relevant in terms of content, but I think there is a problem regarding its construct relevance and of the clarity of its formulation

Sanna: I do not see a problem with the clarity of the item, but I think there is a problem with its construct as well as its content relevance

Joly: I think the item is flawed in terms of content and construct relevance as well as clarity.

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Sanna, Joly, Lesiba

2. Joly, Lesiba, Sanna

3. Sanna, Lesiba, Joly

4. Lesiba, Joly, Sanna

5. Joly, Sanna, Lesiba

Question 12:

You: The second item I identified is 3.7

Paul: Although the item is pitched at the correct language level, I think there is a problem with its clarity and I am also concerned that the item may require prerequisite knowledge

Joly: The item seems clear to me but I think there is a problem with language level and the fact that the item requires prerequisite knowledge

Sanna: I think clarity is the main problem. I do not see language level as a problem and do not think the item requires prerequisite knowledge.

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Joly, Paul, Sanna

2. Paul, Sanna, Joly

3. Sanna, Joly, Paul

4. Sanna, Paul, Joly

5. Paul, Joly, Sanna

Question 13:

You: The third item I identified is 3.4

Sanna: The item is configured incorrectly, it requires prerequisite knowledge, and it may have a social desirability bias

Lesiba: I do not see a problem with the item's configuration, but it may elicit a socially desirable response and it does require prerequisite knowledge

Paul: I do not think the item has a social desirability response bias, but it does require prerequisite knowledge and there is a problem with the way in which it is configured

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Sanna, Lesiba, Paul

2. Sanna, Paul, Lesiba

3. Lesiba, Sanna, Paul

4. Paul, Lesiba, Sanna

5. Paul, Sanna, Lesiba

Question 14:

You: The fourth item I identified is 4.8

Joly: Although the item has content and construct relevance it is leading and likely to elicit a socially desirable response

Lesiba: I agree that the item has content and construct relevance and that it may elicit a social desirable response, but it is not leading

Paul: I do not think the item is leading and I do not think it has a social desirability bias, but I do think it does not have content and construct relevance

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Paul, Lesiba, Joly

2. Lesiba, Joly, Paul

3. Joly, Paul, Lesiba

4. Joly, Lesiba, Paul

5. Lesiba, Paul, Joly

Question 15:

You: The fifth item I identified is 3.8

Sanna: I see two problems with this question, namely that it requires prerequisite knowledge and that it is formulated as a closed question, whereas an open question is required

Joly: I agree that the question requires prerequisite knowledge, but I do not agree that this is a closed question.

Lesiba: I do not see any problem with the question. It does not require prerequisite knowledge and it is not a closed question

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Lesiba, Sanna, Joly

2. Joly, Sanna, Lesiba

3. Joly, Lesiba, Sanna

4. Sanna, Joly, Lesiba

5. Lesiba, Joly, Sanna

Question 16:

Joly: I would like to add 2.12 to the list of problematic questions.

Lesiba: I agree that this item is problematic - it is not configured correctly in terms of the required response

Sanna: I agree that the item is not configured correctly, the basic problem being that this question should be formulated as a semantic differential type question

Paul: No, I disagree. I think the item is configured correctly and I think it should be kept in its current Likert scale form

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Sanna, Lesiba, Paul

2. Paul, Lesiba, Sanna

3. Sanna, Paul, Lesiba

4. Lesiba, Sanna, Paul

5. Lesiba, Paul, Sanna

Question 17:

Lesiba: I would like to add 5.6 to the list of problematic items.

Sanna: Why? I do not see anything wrong with this item

Paul: If you want to change this into a semantic differential type item I would advise against it. I think it should be kept in its current Liked scale form

Joly: To my mind the problem with this item is that 'importance of effects' cannot be judged without proper criterion reference

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Joly, Paul, Sanna

2. Paul, Joly, Sanna

3. Joly, Sanna, Paul

4. Sanna, Paul, Joly

5. Paul, Joly, Sanna

Question 18:

Paul: The question I would like to add as a problematic item is 3.9

Joly: Yes, I see the problem. The question is not properly formulated as a true-false type item

Sanna: I think the main problem is that the question may have a socially desirable response bias

Lesiba: The real problem is that the item does not record respondents' responses in a consistent manner

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Joly, Lesiba, Sanna

2. Sanna, Joly, Lesiba

3. Lesiba, Sanna, Joly

4. Lesiba, Joly, Sanna

5. Joly, Sanna, Lesiba

Question 19:

You: I have another item I would like to add to our list of problematic questions, namely 5.3

Paul: The cannot see the contextual relevance of this question, and it does not contribute to the purpose of the questionnaire

Lesiba: I agree, Paul, and I think the item would have served the purpose of the questionnaire better if it was an open and not a closed question

Joly: I disagree. I think the question has high construct relevance and fits the purpose of the questionnaire well

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Lesiba, Paul, Joly

2. Paul, Lesiba, Joly

3. Lesiba, Joly, Paul

4. Joly, Lesiba, Paul

5. Paul, Joly, Lesiba

Question 20:

You: Let us have a look at the empirical information that we have for the LQ. This is how the 30 participants in the pilot study responded to Item 2.3:

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree






What do these responses tell us about the nature of the pilot group's influencing behaviour?

Joly: The distribution of the responses is skewed to the right, but this does not tell us about the nature of the pilot group's influencing behavior

Lesiba: Generally speaking the pilot group was indecisive about the nature of their influencing behaviour

Paul: The majority of the pilot group denied the nature of their influencing behaviour

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Paul, Joly, Lesiba

2. Paul, Lesiba, Joly

3. Joly, Paul, Lesiba

4. Lesiba, Joly, Paul

5. Joly, Lesiba, Paul

Question 21:

Joly: Table 1 in the manual shows the participants' test scores for two halves of the LQ. But I do not understand what it means.

Lesiba: Table 1 gives the total scores for two halves of the LQ. For example participant 1 obtained 27 on one half of the LQ and 23 on the other half of the LQ

Sanna: I agree, and it means the table shows the correlation between the two halves of the LQ, and in this case the numbers reflect a high correlation

Paul: I disagree. The information in the table shows a low correlation between the odd and even item items of the LQ

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

 1. Sanna, Lesiba, Paul

2. Lesiba, Sanna, Paul

3. Paul, Lesiba, Sanna

4. Sanna, Paul, Lesiba

5. Lesiba, Paul, Sanna

Question 22:

Joly: But does the information in Table 1 tell us anything about the reliability of the LQ?

Sanna: Yes, the information in Table 1 shows that the LQ has a high level of internal consistency

Paul: I disagree. The information shows a low level of internal consistency

Lesiba: You are both wrong. The information in Table 1 indicates a high degree of concurrent validity

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Sanna, Lesiba, Paul

2. Paul, Sanna, Lesiba

3. Sanna, Paul, Lesiba

4. Lesiba, Paul, Sanna

5. Paul, Lesiba, Sanna

Question 23:

Joly: I am still unsure about correlations. For example, in Table 2, how do I see whether scores are correlated?

Lesiba: Draw a graph consisting of a horizontal X-axis and a vertical Y-axis and plot the relationship between the 'tested at arrival totals' and the 'tested after 3 days totals'

Paul: Scale the X-axis from 1 to 5, and the Y-axis from 43 to 77, and plot the 'tested after 4 days totals'

Sanna: Scale the X-axis from 43 to 77 and the Y-axis from 32 to 63 and plot the corresponding values

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Lesiba, Sanna, Paul

2. Sanna, Lesiba, Paul

3. Sanna, Paul, Lesiba

4. Paul, Lesiba, Sanna

5. Lesiba, Paul, Sanna

Question 24:

You: So, now that you have plotted the information provided in Table 2, what do you think the information tells us?

Joly: A weak correlation was obtained in the pilot study, which meant the LQ did not demonstrate test-retest reliability

Sanna: The weak correlation obtained in the pilot study referred to criterion-related validity and not to the reliability of the LQ

Paul: Actually the information in Table 2 does not reflect a weak correlation, which means the LQ shows good criterion-related validity

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Sanna, Joly, Paul

2. Sanna, Paul, Joly

3. Joly, Paul, Sanna

4. Paul, Sanna, Joly

5. Joly, Sanna, Paul

Question 25:

You: So, if you compare the information from Table 1 with the information from Table 2, what do you think?

Paul: The LQ has high test-retest reliability but its criterion related validity is questionable

Berhta: The items of the LQ seem to measure the same thing, but the questionnaire is vulnerable to external influences

Sanna: The information obtained from these two tables supports the reliability of the LQ

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Paul, Sanna, Bertha

2. Sanna, Bertha, Paul

3. Bertha, Paul, Sanna

4. Bertha, Sanna, Paul

5. Sanna, Paul, Bertha

 Assignment 2-

Question 1:

Sanna: I think there is a printing error in the manual. Figure 1 is incomplete with no proper explanation provided. Do you know what this figure is about?

Joly: Looking at the numbers I think the figure is a graphical representation of the information provided for Item 2.1 in Table 3

Lesiba: If your assumption is correct, Joly, the figure expresses the item-total correlation for Item 2.1

Paul: No, I think the figure expresses the fact that five people completed each item in the questionnaire

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Paul, Joly, Lesiba

2. Joly, Lesiba, Paul

3. Lesiba, Paul, Joly

4. Lesiba, Joly, Paul

5. Joly, Paul, Lesiba

Question 2:

Sanna: So, what do the numbers on the X-axis mean?

Lesiba: I think the numbers on the X-axis represent the possible responses to Item 2.1

Joly: If the numbers on the X-axis represent the possible responses to Item 2.1 it means five people completed the item

Paul: If the X-axis represents Item 2.1 I would say it means the numbers 1 to 5 are associated with the scale categories that range from disagree strongly to agree strongly

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Lesiba, Joly, Paul

2. Lesiba, Paul, Joly

3. Paul, Joly, Lesiba

4. Joly, Lesiba, Paul

5. Paul, Lesiba, Joly

Question 3:

Sanna: And those numbers in the square brackets, [1], [2], etc. What do they stand for?

Lesiba: The numbers in the square brackets are discrimination values. They reflect the proportion of individuals who completed the item correctly

Joly: No, each point indicates the item score and the total score of a particular individual

Paul: For example, [1] means that participant 1 obtained a total score of 44 and also disagreed strongly with the statement that 'others are proud to be associated with me"

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Paul, Joly, Lesiba

2. Joly, Paul, Lesiba

3. Paul, Lesiba, Joly

4. Lesiba, Joly, Paul

5. Joly, Lesiba, Paul

Question 4:

You: Compare Item 2.10 as it is formulated in the questionnaire with the item's item-total correlation shown in Figure 2. Do you find this result surprising?

Sanna: The item-total correlation is weak, which is not surprising because it is not clear whether the item reflects inspirational or non-inspirational behaviour

Paul: The item-total correlation is positive and negative, which is not surprising because the item reflects inspirational and non-inspirational

Lesiba: The item-total correlation is negative, which is not surprising because it is not clear how the item relates to inspirational behaviour

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Sanna, Paul, Lesiba

2. Lesiba, Sanna, Paul

3. Sanna, Lesiba, Paul

4. Paul, Lesiba, Sanna

5. Lesiba, Paul, Sanna

Question 5:

You: Compare Item 2.6 as it is formulated in the questionnaire with the item's item-total correlation shown in Figure 3. Do you find this result surprising?

Sanna: The item-total correlation is positive, which is not surprising because the item reflects a clear stance to inspirational behaviour

Paul: The item-total correlation is negative, which is not surprising because the item requires reversed scoring

Lesiba: The item-total correlation is negative, which is not surprising because the item reflects non-inspirational behaviour

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Paul, Sanna, Lesiba

2. Lesiba, Paul, Sanna

3. Lesiba, Sanna, Paul

4. Sanna, Lesiba, Paul

5. Paul, Lesiba, Sanna

Question 6:

You: Compare Item 2.9 as it is formulated in the questionnaire with the item's item-total correlation shown in Figure 4. Do you find this result surprising?

Lesiba: The item-total correlation is positive which is not surprising because individuals who measure high on inspirational behaviour should get a high score on this item

Joly:  The item-total correlation is negative which is surprising because the item expresses  influential behaviour

Sanna: The item-total correlation is weak which is not surprising because the item requires reversed scoring

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Joly, Lesiba, Sanna

2. Lesiba, Joly, Sanna

3. Sana, Joly, Lesiba

4. Lesiba, Sanna, Joly

5. Joly, Sanna, Lesiba

Question 7:

You: Compare Item 2.13 as it is formulated in the questionnaire with the item's item-total correlation shown in Figure 5. Do you find this result surprising?

Joly: The correlation is negative, which is not surprising because the item required reversed scoring

Paul: The correlation is weak, which is not surprising because the item has a very strong social response bias with low discrimination between individuals

Sanna: The correlation is positive, which is surprising because the item portrays influencing behaviour in a negative light

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Joly, Paul, Sanna

2. Paul, Joly, Sanna

3. Joly, Sanna, Paul

4. Sanna, Joly, Paul

5. Paul, Sanna, Joly

Question 8

You: Given your previous considerations, which of the four items would you discard and why?

Lesiba: Item 2.10 because of low item discrimination and Item 2.6 due to negative item discrimination

Sanna: Item 2.6 because of its negative item discrimination and 2.9 because it has low item variance

Paul: Item 2.10 because of low item discrimination and Item 2.13 due to low item variance

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Paul, Lesiba, Sanna

2. Sanna, Lesiba, Paul

3. Paul, Sanna, Lesiba

4. Lesiba, Paul, Sanna

5. Lesiba, Sanna, Paul

Question 9

You: Given the way in which we want to use the LQ, how would you approach the reliability of the questionnaire?

Paul: It is important to make sure that the LQ has high internal consistency because we need a reliable measure of the 'preferred behaviour style' construct

Joly: I think test-retest reliability is more important than internal consistency, given the way in which we want to use the LQ

Sanna: Because we want to identify learners at risk of emotional burnout and underperformance it is important to consider criterion-related reliability as the most important component of the LQ's reliability

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Paul, Joly, Sanna

2. Joly, Sanna, Paul

3. Paul, Sanna, Joly

4. Sanna, Joly, Paul

5. Joly, Paul, Sanna

Question 10:

Joly: I presume the same goes for validity. We have to consider our approach concerning the validity of the LQ

Sanna: Because our goal is to identify learners who could benefit from motivational and support programmes I think it is important to consider the concurrent validity of the LQ

Paul: 1 agree, Lesiba, but we have to make sure the LQ has construct validity otherwise the LQ's concurrent validity may be suspect

Lesiba: Face validity is the most important aspect of validity to consider. If the learners cannot see that the LQ is about preferred behaviour style they may think the questionnaire has no value

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Sanna, Paul, Lesiba

2. Paul, Sanna, Lesiba

3. Lesiba, Sanna, Paul

4. Paul, Lesiba, Sanna

5. Sanna, Lesiba, Paul

 Question 11:

You: Considering the information provided in Table 5, what do you think of the construct validity of the LQ?

Joly: The high correlations between the Influence, Inspiration and Intellectual stimulation factors support the construct validity of the LQ

Paul: The low correlation between the Recreation factor and the Influence, Inspiration and Intellectual stimulation factors show low construct validity of the LQ

Lesiba: The information in Table 5 supports the construct validity of the LQ, but the LQ does not fully represent the content domain of the construct it purports to assess

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Lesiba, Paul, Joly

2. Joly, Lesiba, Paul

3. Joly, Paul, Lesiba

4. Paul, Joiy, Lesiba

5. Lesiba, Joly, Paul

Question 12:

Sanna: I think Table 6 provides further information about the construct validity of the LQ?

Paul: Yes, the correlations among the questionnaires show convergent and discriminent validities that support construct validity for the LQ

Lesiba: In addition to supporting construct validity for the LQ the correlation between the LQ and

the presenter-manager ratings also indicates support for concurrent validity for the LQ Joly: The table shows convergent validity but it does not support discriminant validity for the LQ

You agree most with, second most with and least with:

1. Lesiba, Joly, Paul

2. Paul, Lesiba, Joly

3. Lesiba, Paul, Joly

4. Joly, Paul, Lesiba

5. Paul, Joly, Lesiba

You: I think at this stage of the discussion it is a good idea to sit down and each on our own rate the LQ and its manual. The rating questions are listed below. Each question has a list of criteria (a, b, c, etc) that have to be applied. The criteria are followed by a rating scale in which ratings (1, 2, 3, etc) are linked with criteria combinations. Because we apply the same criteria we should come up with similar ratings. Simply consider each criterion and decide whether or not the criterion is fulfilled. If it is fulfilled it counts, otherwise it does not count. For example, suppose a question has three criteria, 'a', 'b' and 'c', and you decide that criterion 'a' was fulfilled, but criteria 'b' and 'c' were not achieved. Find the rating that corresponds to 'a', (e.g. rating 1) and indicate this rating as your answer.

 Question 13:

Rate the instructions of the LQ

The instructions of the LQ are correct if:

a the intention of the LQ is indicated correctly

b the matter of confidentiality is addressed correctly

c general instructions for completing the LQ are indicated correctly

Rate 1 if: none of a, b, c

Rate 2 if: one of a, b, c

Rate 3 if: two of a, b, c

Rate 4 if: a + b + c

Question 14

Rate the formulation of Item 2.12

Item xxx is formulated correctly if:

a Item 2.12 has content and construct relevance

b Item 2.12 is clear and unambiguous

c Item 2.12 is configured correctly

d Item 2.12 is not leading

e Item 2.12 is not likely to elicit a socially desirable response

Rate 1 if: none of a, b, c, d, e Rate 2 if: a

Rate 3 if: a + b + c

Rate 4 if: a+b+c+d+e

Question 15:

Rate the suitability of Item 2.12

Item 2.12 is suitable if:

a the respondents are likely to find the language level appropriate

b the respondents are likely to find the item relevant in their context

c the respondents are likely to possess the knowledge required to respond correctly

Rate 1 if: none of a, b, c Rate 2 if: a

Rate 3 if: a + b

Rate 4 if: a + b + c

Question 16:

Rate the formulation of Item 3.4 Item 3.4 is formulated correctly if:

a Item 3.4 has content and construct relevance

b Item 3.4 is clear and unambiguous

c Item 3.4 is configured correctly

d Item 3.4 is not leading

e Item 3.4 is not likely to elicit a socially desirable response

Rate 1 if: none of a, b, c, d, e Rate 2 if: a

Rate 3 if: a + b + c

Rate4if: a+b+c+d+e

Question 17:

Rate the suitability of Item 3.4

Item 3.4 is suitable if:

a the respondents are likely to find the language level appropriate

b the respondents are likely to find the item relevant in their context

c the respondents are likely to possess the knowledge required to respond correctly

Rate 1 if: none of a, b, c Rate 2 if: a

Rate 3 if: a + b

Rate 4 if: a + b + c

Question 18:

Rate the formulation of Item 5.6

Item 5.6 is formulated correctly if:

a Item 5.6 has content and construct relevance

b Item 5.6 is clear and unambiguous

c Item 5.6 is configured correctly

d Item 5.6 is not leading

e Item 5.6 is not likely to elicit a socially desirable response

Rate 1 if: none of a, b, c, d, e Rate 2 if: a

Rate 3 if: a + b + c

Rate4if: a+b+c+d+e

Question 19:

Rate the suitability of Item 5.6

Item 5.6 is suitable if:

a the respondents are likely to find the language level appropriate

b the respondents are likely to find the item relevant in their context

c the respondents are likely to possess the knowledge required to respond correctly

Rate 1 if: none of a, b, c Rate 2 if: a

Rate 3 if: a + b

Rate 4 if: a + b + c

Question 20:

Rate the functionality of the LQ

The LQ is functional if:

a the information gathered by the LQ concerns the intended content domain

b the LQ is suitable for the intended target population

c the LQ produces information in a format that facilitates data processing

Rate 1 if: none of a, b, c Rate 2 if: a

Rate 3 if: a + b

Rate 4 if: a + b + c

Question 21:

Rate the manual description of the purpose of the LQ The purpose of the LQ is described if:

a the aim of the LQ is stated

b the target population is defined

c the design of the LQ is described

Rate 1 if: none of a, b, c Rate 2 if: a

Rate 3 if: a + b

Rate 4 if: a + b + c

Question 22:

Rate the manual discussion of the properties of the LQ

The properties of the LQ are discussed if:

a the sample used to test the LQ is described correctly

b the item analysis and selection procedures are described correctly

c the reliability of the LQ is discussed correctly

d the validity of the LQ is discussed correctly

Rate 1 if: none of a, b, c, d Rate 2 if: a

Rate 3 if: a + b

Rate 4 if: a + b + c or a + b + d Rate 5 if: a + b + c+ d

Question 23:

Rate the manual description of the procedures for utilisation of the LQ The procedures for utilising the LQ are described if:

a instructions are provided for administering the LQ

b instruction are provided for scoring the LQ

c instructions are provided for interpreting results

 Rate 1 if: none of a, b, c Rate 2 if: a

Rate 3 if: a + b

Rate 4 if: a + b + c

Question 24:

Rate the way the manual is structured

The manual is structured properly if:

a the text is clustered into topical sections

b topics are presented in logical order

c the information about each topic is relevant and presented coherently

Rate 1 if: none of a, b, c Rate 2 if: a

Rate 3 if: a + b

Rate 4 if: a + b + c

Question 25:

Rate the way the manual is written

The manual is written properly if:

a the text is factual and objective

b the text is clear and to the point, with no ambiguous and/or conflicting statements

c the text is not inundated with numerous spelling, grammar and punctuation errors

Rate 1 if: none of a, b, c

Rate 2 if: one of a, b, c

Rate 3 if: two of a, b, c

Rate 4 if: a + b + c

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