
Paul case directed by lamont johnson

Question 1- After reading "Paul's Case" and the notes on literary elements, which elements do you think stand out most in the short story? What do you think is the story's predominant theme? How do you see this theme supported with literary elements, such as symbols, setting, etc.? Remember there is no right answer. Your opinions will hopefully prompt discussions from your classmates. (Around 200 words )

You got to read and watch the links and analysis info below:

1. https://www.shsu.edu/~eng_wpf/authors/Cather/Pauls-Case.htm

2. This video has the potential to be 75 minutes long. However, when you click on the link, you'll see that it is broken down into segments. View the brief video called "Components of Critical Thinking: Analysis and Synthesis (03:25)."


3. Literary Analysis - The writing process for a literary/film analysis is similar to any other writing assignment. However, we could liken analysis most closely to argument. You will be arguing your interpretation of the text and film. As a result, there are a number of common elements between analysis and argument. Generally, I consider analysis as a three step process: claims, evidence, and reasoning. After developing a solid thesis that combines theme with element, the writer is responsible for offering numerous subclaims to support the thesis. These subclaims are then supported with evidence from the text and/or film, whether in the form of paraphrase or quotes. Additionally, this evidence must be reasoned. In other words, you must make clear connections between the subclaim and the evidence you have chosen from the text. You must tell the reader how the specific evidence has allowed you to draw the conclusions that have led to your unique interpretations. The attached document reviews, though rather generally, the process of writing a literary analysis.

Note the difference between critical comments and plot points. A critical comment uses analysis to explore a conclusion you've drawn on your own, whereas a plot point merely summarizes or restates material evident from the text. One of the most common errors on a first draft is the tendency to unnecessarily summarize. As a result, the writer never gets down to the nitty gritty of analysis. Plot points are simply elements that actually exist in the text/film. Your job is to take plot points and turn them into something larger. Take these plot points and what you know to be true from your own experiences and tell the reader something that he/she doesn't already know from reading the text. In other words, offer and defend original interpretations of your own.

When writing your actual essay, consider the following as a basic outline for your five paragraph minimum essay:
The introduction should begin creatively and should offer essential background info that prepares the reader for the upcoming thesis. The intro should include the author and title of the story in addition to explanation of the theme to be discussed. In most cases, the thesis concludes the introduction, leading the reader into the body of the essay.

The body of the essay is the supporting paragraphs that follow the thesis. Each body paragraph should have three essential elements: topic sentence/subclaim, evidence, and reasoning/commentary. The topic sentence is usually the first sentence of the paragraph and it relates directly back to the thesis. Generally, the topic sentence is a subclaim of the thesis, offering a primary reason for the thesis to be true. The evidence that follows supports the topic sentence. This evidence is usually a concrete detail or specific example from the work itself, often taking form as a paraphrase or direct quote. Often more than one concrete detail is necessary to persuade the reader of each individual claim. Offering evidence is not enough. Your evidence should always be reasoned with explanation or interpretation of your concrete detail. This commentary tells the reader what the author means or how the concrete detail relates to the subclaim or thesis. The reasoning is the meat of your essay, offering the actual analysis and interpretation. You should have twice as much commentary as you have concrete details. Ideally, you would offer a concluding sentence or two to close the paragraph.

When concluding your essay, you want to echo your thesis without repeating it word for word. The conclusion should be adequately developed to reflect the depth of your essay. Your conclusion could reflect on how your thesis relates back to the story as a whole. Also, it could give a personal statement about the topic or offer an opinion of the story's overall value.

Question 2 - As we said, Paul's Case, is a literal translation of the story, meaning that it reproduces the story's plot and details as closely as possible. Nonetheless, the film does have its differences from the story. What differences did you note between the film and story? Try to list at least three. Do these changes influence your interpretation of theme? Why? (Around 200 words) This one is connected with first question

You got to read and watch the links below.

1. Watch Paul's Case (1980) directed by Lamont Johnson ( Id and Password - montgomery )


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