
Patrol one afternoon and receive a call to assist the fire

You are on patrol one afternoon and receive a call to assist the fire department with a fire in a rural area. When you arrive at the scene you discover a working fire at a barn that was approximately 100 feet from the owner's house. The fire department was able to extinguish the fire with minimum damage to the structure. A fireman approaches you and states there is something in the barn you need to see. When you ask what it is, the fireman responds "I just think you need to see this".

You enter the barn and see several automatic rifles stacked against the rear wall. As you walked up the weapons you also noticed numerous cases of ammunition and two bricks of suspected marijuana.

Since the weapons and marijuana were in plain sight can you seize them and charge the occupants(s) of the residence or should you first obtain a search warrant? Did you have a legal reason to enter the barn? Can you finish searching the barn? Can you search the home? What was the probable cause (if any) for taking any legal action? Explain your answer.

Parameters: You are required to post 4 messages to the Discussion Board each week. Your initial response should be the answer to the main Discussion Question and the other three messages should be posts that interact with your fellow classmates or instructor.be posts that interact with your fellow classmates or instructor.

Be sure to post your initial thoughts by Wednesday and respond to at least three other classmates post by Sunday. In order to receive full credit for the assignment you must post over at least three days. Make sure to follow the discussion guidelines noted in the Policy Addendum located under the Syllabus Tab and always be respectful of others, even if their ideas differ from your own.assignment you must post over at least three days. Make sure to follow the discussion guidelines noted in the Policy Addendum located under the Syllabus Tab and always be respectful of others, even if their ideas differ from your own.

All discussion questions should be meaningfully answered and written in APaformat. Your initial response to the Discussion Question should be no less than 300words and each of the secondary posts should be at least 100words. NO LATE discussion board entries will be graded for credit.

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Dissertation: Patrol one afternoon and receive a call to assist the fire
Reference No:- TGS02400934

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