Assignment Task:
You are seeing a patient in the clinic with the chief complaint of "red, itchy, watery eyes." She is a 60-year-old medical transport driver for a local hospital. She reports puffy eyes with excessive watering, occasional sneezing, and nasal discharge. She states that her symptoms have occurred on and off for years and seem to worsen when she is outside and improve once she gets home and takes a hot shower. Her past medical history includes HTN, T2DM, and hyperlipidemia, for which she takes hydrochlorothiazide, metformin, and atorvastatin. She reports a penicillin allergy. Her vital signs: T-98, blood pressure-158/90, pulse-80, and respirations-16, oxygen saturation-98%, Ht-64 inches, BMI-32. Exam: Eyelids are hyperemic and edematous. Bilateral conjunctival injection and epiphora were noted bilaterally. Which of the following is the best next step? Provide support for your response. Need Assignment Help? A. Diphenhydramine B. Erythromycin ointment C. Cetirizine D. Olopatadine