Assignment Task:
Presenting Problem: Kerri, a 12-year-old female, is struggling with an eating disorder and at 14-year-old experiencing bullying at school.
DOB: 03/01/2010
Ethnicity: White
Primary language: English
Religious affiliation-N/A
Family and Support: Mom and Dad client is the only child
Client attended Kaiser High School located in Permanente, Ca. Client has never attended college. Client maintained a 2.5 GPA. Client is interested in finding out if it is possible for her to apply to college one day in the future.
Students will written assessment of their client. The assessment should be completed on the PDF provided with the assignment. Each section should be completed in as much detail as possible using third person writing. The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to demonstrate your ability to organize and write a report that contains a critical assessment on the functioning of your mock client and an analysis of problem areas for the client. This report must include assessment and recommendations. Assessment sections should contain a paragraph of your impressions about the client, based on evidence collected during your meetings. The recommendations section should include your recommendations based on the data collected and your observation of the client. Referrals should include those resources you will be recommending to your client. Want Assignment Help?