Patient protection and affordable care act

Using the background information below, in 400 words and 2 scholarly references, Analyze the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010)

Consider the main provisions of the law and the issues it is trying to address.

1. Identify 1 central economic and 1 social issue

2. Discuss how the law addresses these issues and answer whether or not the solution the law provides is effective.

Background Information:

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (along with the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010) is the health care legislation currently being implemented. Without getting into the politics of the debate that has surrounded this legislation, consider the main provisions of the law and the issues it is trying to address. Research at least two of the central economic and/or social issues, for example, the cost of health care for the uninsured that historically has been transferred to those who are insured.

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Other Management: Patient protection and affordable care act
Reference No:- TGS01866543

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