Assignment Task:
Please make this concise: During my practicum experience, I encountered an interesting case that both challenged and expanded my clinical knowledge. WH, a 14-year-old girl, visited the clinic accompanied by her mother, presenting with persistent vomiting that had been occurring for over a year, primarily after consuming sugary or salty foods. What intrigued me most about this case was the length of time the symptoms had persisted without a clear diagnosis. Additionally, her previous consultation with a gastroenterologist had not provided relief, as the medication prescribed worsened her nausea instead of helping. A pregnancy test was conducted to rule out that possibility, and the results were negative. We suspected that her symptoms could be attributed to GERD or a hormonal imbalance. To manage her immediate symptoms, we prescribed Zofran for the nausea and fluradoline for potential underlying causes. A follow-up appointment was scheduled for a month later to monitor her progress. Want Online Tutoring?