
Patient has history of being diagnosed by cocaine, cannabis

Assignment task: Ms. Kaylee is a 21 year old female here for "I can't control myself with drugs." She has a history of being diagnosed with cocaine, cannabis, and Alcohol use disorder. She admits that she was in rehabilitation treatment at a Psychiatric Hospital last month. She completed In-Patient program but "got kicked out" of IOP program for relapse and continued use. Ms. Kaylee is a 21 year old female here for "I can't control myself with drugs." She has a history of being diagnosed with cocaine, cannabis, and Alcohol use disorder. She admits that she was in rehabilitation treatment at a Psychiatric Hospital last month. She completed In-Patient program but "got kicked out" of IOP program for relapse and continued use. Her parents subsequently kicked her out of their house and she moved in with her new bf. This bf reportedly gave her cocaine (first time using) on their first date about a month ago. "I only liked him for coke." Says bf bought drugs for her. Relationship became strained and he kicked her out. She is back with her family but would like to get help. Last use of cocaine was 3 days ago. She reports binging on alcohol about once

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Other Subject: Patient has history of being diagnosed by cocaine, cannabis
Reference No:- TGS03429594

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