
Patient diagnosed with laryngopharyngeal reflux

Assignment Task:

You have a patient whose otolaryngologist diagnosed them with laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) based on their instrumental examination findings. The patient states they have no "heartburn" so they are not going to adhere to the otolaryngologist's recommendations of diet and lifestyle modification. They say to you, "Why would I want to give up my hot sauce when I know I don't have reflux; I don't have heartburn!" You say recommend that you drink at least 64 ounces of water per day to counteract any reflux you might have. Eating spicy foods will cause muscle loss and this will lead to vocal fold atrophy when you are older. Eating spicy foods can cause the oral and nasal mucosa to become swollen. This can alter your perception of heartburn. When you have laryngopharyngeal reflux, which is what your doctor diagnosed, you don't necessary feel heartburn. I wonder, do you have any burning in the back of your throat or feelings of excess mucus? Need Assignment Help?


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Other Subject: Patient diagnosed with laryngopharyngeal reflux
Reference No:- TGS03444624

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