
Patient complaint of sore throat, fatigue with mild fever


"APN had a clinical encounter of a 17-year-old high school patient who comes to the office with a complaint of a sore throat and fatigue with mild fever and occasional headache. Her sister had similar symptoms about 2 months earlier. She said took some amoxicillin from our medicine cabinet for the past few days. The physical examination shows a temperature of low fever of 100.1°F, pharyngeal exudates, palatal petechiae, posterior adenopathy, and tenderness on palpation of the spleen, although splenic enlargement is not noted. Fever, pharyngeal exudates, and posterior lymphadenopathy are the classic triad of symptoms and signs of infectious mononucleosis, which is most common in adolescents and young adults." The APN discusses the patient's prior use of antibiotics at home before the visit. Base on the clinical encounter above, describe and outline two educational communication strategies the APN can use to help the patient avoid using antibiotics without a prescription. Provid supported evidence and incorporate intext citations.

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Other Subject: Patient complaint of sore throat, fatigue with mild fever
Reference No:- TGS03444209

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